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2012 Australian Jewish Tenpin Bowling Championships

Maccabi Victoria Tenpin Bowling Club Invites you to compete in the

2012 Australian Jewish Tenpin Bowling Championships

To be held at Moorabbin AMF Tenpin Bowling Centre
938 Nepean Highway, Moorabbin Tel: (03) 9555 3555

Qualifying Round 1 is on Saturday 9th June 2012 at 7.00pm.
(Check-in commences at 6.45pm and closes at 6.55pm).

Matchplay is on Sunday 10th June 2012 at 9.00am.
(Check-in commences at 9.15am and closes at 9.25 am).

Each entrant is to bowl 10 games (subject to numbers and tournament director
discretion) in Qualifying Round 1. At the completion of the Qualifying
Rounds, total pinfall will decide the top 12 men and top 8 women (subject to
number of entries) to compete in the Matchplay Round.

Pinfall will carry over to the Matchplay Round, where 20 pins will be
awarded for a win and 10 pins awarded for a draw. At the completion of the
Matchplay Round, 1st will play 2nd in a two game (total pinfall) playoff. In
the event that the top qualifier is defeated, they have the right to a one
game repecharge.For further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact
Tony Aarons on 0407 177700 or email maccabitenpin@ozguide.com

Official Entry form will be available shortly

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