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Congratulations Kelly Gillis

How long have you been a member of the Ten Pin Bowling Club?
As of this year, I have been a member for 28 years.

How did you decide that Ten Pin Bowling was the sport that you were interested in?
My mother was insistent that my brother and I did some sort of activity when we were younger. She knew some people who were involved in the setting up of Junior Ten Pin Bowling at that time, and so all of our friends’ kids, all had to join. And I loved it and never looked back. I would not know half of the people that I know today if I had not had my involvement with the club. There is so much variety in sport, that there is something for everyone to keep active.

What is your role at the Ten Pin Bowling Club?
I am the Secretary and do the paperwork. For the past 14 years.

What has been the highlight of your time at the Ten Pin Bowling Club?
The highlight would have to be winning the Club Championships at the end of 2011. This is something that I have always strived for and it finally happened. And of course receiving Life Membership of the Club – means so much to me.

What does it mean to you to become a Life Member of the Ten Pin Bowing Club?
It is nice to be recognised for all the things that you have done around the club. It is so important for a volunteer to feel that they have made a difference, to feel accepted and respected and this is a symbol of that.

Why would you tell anyone to become a member of Maccabi Victoria?
It is important that every Jewish person has some affiliation to something Jewish whether it be sport or anything else. Being a Jewish sporting organisation, Maccabi is a great way to meet people and have fun. If they have no other Jewish Connection, Maccabi is a great way for them to connect and meet other Jewish people.

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